400 Park Avenue

400 Park Avenue is the redevelopment of an approximately 1 acre site located in Baltimore Maryland into a dynamic mixed-use community including 100 units of housing and 30,000 sf of dynamic commercial space in the emerging Bromo Arts District. Ownership team, consisting of Vitruvius, Washington Baltimore Development Company, Old Town Construction and FLGA Real Estate Group was awarded the site in 2018 by the City of Baltimore through a competitive process. The project is currently under construction and is slated for delivery in 4Q2024.

Greene Enterprises has served as Owner’s Rep for FLGA Real Estate Group since was integral to company success in project award through a competitive solicitation. Since award, Greene Enterprises has supported ownership through Land Disposition Agreement (LDA) negotiations with the City of Baltimore, design, financing, permitting and construction of the project on behalf of FLGA.

Baltimore, MD

400 Park Avenue

FLGA Real Estate Group



Howard University East Campus